Bookmarklets are better than apps and why Bookmarklets are awesome. Bookmarklets are better when compared to installing extensions or apps in browsers. Bookmarklets are defined as thus in Wikipedia – “Simply, a bookmarklet is similar to a bookmark and is saved in the same manner. But bookmarklets include functionality, in the form of JavaScript commands. One common usage example is a Google […]
Category: Internet
Contains all posts related to the Internet.
10 Simple Tips To Speed Up Websites
How to Simply Speed up websites Speed is important. All of us have a lot of work to do and not enough time to do them. Time management is crucial. Saving times saves money. We expect our trains, cars, taxis etc to go fast. So your website should load fast too. Read on to know […]
How to Engage with Readers? Successful blogging is all about building and milking a niche and to engage with readers of your blog. The more you engage with readers more will they flock to your site. They may come for advice, appreciation, criticism, questions, doubts and what not. This in turn increases your page views. […]
Blogger and WordPress – What is Better? Blogger and WordPress are the two top contenders for the Blogging arena. Blogger is the highly popular free blogging offering from Google. Blogger or Blogspot is possibly the simplest blogging tool on the internet. You need practically nothing to blog on Blogger. Except for a Gmail id. The […]
How CSS3 improves SEO
CSS3 improves SEO? Really? Before you ask this question, you will ask ,”CSS3 improves SEO? Really?” Well, the answer is yes. Actually it does and in a big way. Cascading Style Sheets are great ways to improve the look and feel of your website. Now with the latest version of CSS, that is CSS3, you can do […]