How to Actually Start With SEO once my website is up?
You have bought a domain for yourself and also got a host for yourself. This means you are serious and wish to get on with getting traffic into your website. But the question that comes to mind is that how to actually start with SEO.

Here I will elaborate the white hat techniques only, so that you never get blacklisted by search engines.
First thing is that you need to know what is called SEO or Search engine optimization. Go through the basic terms of SEO from this link. Once you are done with that you can check the following links in order.
- Basic SEO technical terms you need to know.
- You can try out any blogging platform. But I prefer starting with a free blogger account first. That gives you a headstart. But then WordPress is great as well.
- Using Google Webmasters is an absolute must. Master it well.
- Keep an About page. That should ideally be a status page. The rest can be dynamic 😀
- You need to know that Search engines will track your progress over some time. So don’t expect results in a fortnight. You need to write lot. By lot I mean a lot. That is when how you actually start with SEO. Write a great deal of unique content and people will flock to your site slowly.
- You may write really well. But unfortunately the search engines are stupid. They don’t give you any marks for great literature. Instead you need to focus on certain keywords that helps them understand that a post is about a certain topic. Yes, it is artificial stupidity but to start with SEO you need to play by their rules..
- While keeping certain keywords you also need to ensure that the density of the keywords is within acceptable limits otherwise your post and website will be marked as spam.
- Also check this out for more on keyword stuffing and how harmful it might be instead.
- Now you need to start with building organic backlinks so that search engines value your site more than others. You need to be careful here as invalid links hurt.
- Building some backlinks is one thing but creating super quality backlinks is another. They are more powerful. Check this out for a simple introduction.
- While posting new articles, pages or posts you should keep your URL tuned to certain standards. When you start with SEO remember that at least Google is especially quite particular about it.
- Now we can assume your website has got some decent traffic. But chances are that you will find that your bounce rate is too high.
- You need to reduce that to convert more visits to a fan following.
- While writing new posts you may hit the writer’s block. Or let’s say blogger’s block! In that case you need to hold onto fleeting ideas for cool new posts. I recommend that you don’t just ‘get inspired’ from other posts. You can do better that that 🙂
- You website must be having a modern design. Simply because it looks good and you need to write less. CSS3 puts more emphasis on text. Text is what the engines can read. So it helps.
- Javascript is also something you will have to use often. Before you start with SEO check out these Javascript SEO tips.
- Now that you are more or less getting close to start with SEO – tuned tag you can focus on other aspects. Like keeping your text to HTML ratio high.
- All the while you must be thinking why work so hard when the black hat methods may do the trick. You should never try that because sooner than later it is going to backfire. Better stay clean.
- Social Media is a cool place where you can share your links and create groups or communities to build up a follower base. Check out some of these Social Media SEO tips.
- If you wish viewers to keep coming to your site over and over again, it has to be fast. Speed up your website by these simple tips.
- There is a comments section in websites. I mean that is what should be. You absolutely need to engage with your readers and answer some of the doubts they may have.
- You may now begin some marketing. This does include Search Engine Marketing. This is not compulsory. But in case you wish to build a professional network and need to expand fast this approach may come in handy.
- Guest Blogging is a great idea if you wish to have a blogging network. It helps also if you have one. So it’s a win-win situation. but then you need to be careful about spammy guest blogging.
- Keep your expectations a little low if you wish to earn a lot of money quickly. It just ain’t going to happen. It is a lot of hard work and time. You can earn a lot of rewards if you are patient.
These basic guidelines should allow you start with SEO. Rest you will be able to learn on the way. Happy blogging and wish you all the best. Don’t forget to share and like this post. 🙂