How to reduce Bounce Rate on your website

We covered bounce rates before. Since you know they are important you will be itching to reduce bounce rate of your blog or website. But first I must tell you that this is not easy and there is no guaranteed success here. You have to work hard, have a lot of patience and never give up. So read on.
How you can reduce bounce rates?
To check this out you need to understand that your work is to keep the viewer interested in your page. Remember that some people will leave anyway – no matter how well you write. They are not looking for relevant content and just surfing. You should be bothered about those who search and reach your site to get information. Here’s how you can keep them glued.
- Have a great Landing Page : The landing page is the page that is shown first when you navigate to a website. In most cases this may be the first page of your website. In some cases you may try keeping popups with a neat subscription link or some free gift for newsletter signups. Some users find it extremely annoying though. So it is best you try it out properly and check your bounce rate regularly.
- Good Looks : Let’s face it. Good looks matter. You won’t spend much time on websites that look terrible.
You will spend time on sites that look good, are uncluttered, well formatted and structured. This does not mean you should over do it. Keep a balance with usability as a priority.
- Proper Links : You must have links to other articles of your website. If a reader lands on your page and finds no place to link to, he will have no other choice to go elsewhere soon. Structure links properly. Again the secret is not to over-do it. But then relevant links to your articles as well as outbound links are all important.
- Need for Speed : Will you visit a site that takes ages to load? Of course, not. The simplest way to reduce bounce rate is to increase the page load speed. You page should load in less than a second to be ideal on a standard broadband connection. Of course page size varies a lot, and also depends on content. You can’t expect your photography blog to be under 32KB, but then a technology blog should not have 1.2MB per page either!
- Engage the reader : Chip in some videos or popup jokes. Maybe promise them(and keep the promise) to give them free download of some of your creations. PDFs, images and graphics fetch a lot of readers.
- Write good content : Write simple. And write well. Don’t stuff too many keywords either. Quality content is what will ensure that readers actually spend time reading your articles.
- Social Networking : Keep some Twitter feeds, Facebook boxes and engaging comments to recommend, discuss and tweet your posts. This way you build a healthy relationship with your readers. This won’t work immediately but as your reputation grows, information hunters will give your posts more weight. If they are looking for backlinks and landed on the SEO page of your blog, they will try searching for a relevant post in your blog instead of in Google.
- Keep a Related Posts Section : Keeping a related posts section, categories and tags will help your readers view a few articles that match their requirements. All the while you retain readers longer.
- Limit Advertisements : Advertisements are good. But they are mainly good for you. Also check spam ads don’t make through AdSense either. Keep a few well placed advertisements. If the ad appeals to the user, he/she will click it anyway. Repeating ads makes a page look spammy.
This list is by no means exhaustive. I will keep adding as and when I find something interesting. You may also write in the comments section if there is anything important I missed, or if you have something new to say.
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